Saturday, January 5, 2013

1-4-2013 Day 4

Sorry about the quality of this picture. It was taken with my phone. In the last year or two I have been teaching myself how to crochet.  Since we have moved here we have discovered many locally made soaps but I hated losing the last little slivers or chasing it around the tub when I dropped it.  I saw a pattern for a soap saver so I decided to try it. It turned out pretty good.  I made it for my husband but he wasn't too impressed. His comment was, "I prefer washcloths," so I guess this one will go to a lucky friend or child. His loss :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

1-3-2013. Day 3.

When we moved to Hawaii we learned that pineapples are actually really easy to grow so now anytime we eat one we replant the top.  The first two we did in planters and the rest we just plant in the landscaping somewhere.  This was the first one we planted.  Pineapples take as long as 18 months to mature so we are at least 11 months from seeing a pineapple but are enjoying watching it grow.

1-2-2013 Day 2

Moss grows on everything here. I think its the dampness and constant humidity.  It's always so cool looking if you look closely. 

1-1-2013 Day 1

This is the Makapu'u Lighthouse. We hiked up here New Years Day.  Even on a cloudy and dreary day it was still beautiful from the top. This is the time of year when the whales arrive and this is one of the best places to see them. We didn't see any today but are planning on returning another day with some binoculars and hopefully more luck.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's a new day....

Well, I totally failed at my 365 last year so I am going to give it one final go this year.  Living in Hawaii, I have a plethora of subject matter and amazing weather year around so let's see if I can finish a year out for once.  Welcome back to my life and I hope you enjoy the show.