Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is not a great picture at all but it is all I had for today LOL. Zoey sings in the Star Singers group from her elementary school. A couple of times a year they will sing the National Anthem at one of the High School functions. This time it was at a boy's basketball game. They are so cute and I love they are learning to be proud of their country at such a young age.


This is just a random lampshade in a doctor's office. I wish the waiting room had been empty then I would have been more comfortable playing around with different angles and settings.


We had another beautiful sunset today. I actually took this one in manual mode instead of automatic. I thought it turned out pretty well.


Today was Chinese Takeout day. I always like Chinese better as takeout than in the restaurant. I have no idea why.


This is our dog, Nala. She is a 12 year old yellow lab who we have had longer than our kids. She is a great dog and although she is getting up there in years she is still very energetic and happy. I know our time with her is getting shorter and I really dread when the time comes to make any decision regarding that. I am really hoping she just goes in her sleep one day.

Friday, January 15, 2010


This was the sunrise this morning. It was absolutely amazing. The colors were all around, not just where the sun was rising. There were pinks, purples, yellows, oranges, etc. It was gorgeous.


Mom and I came upon 4 or 5 deer while driving around today. I couldn't believe that they actually stayed around long enough for me to get a picture. They were so pretty with the snow all around.


We finally got orders and are moving to Texas in February. Caleb has played on a travel baseball team for about a year now and that team won the State Tournament. Caleb is really sad about leaving his team and I am too as I have made some great friends. The team presented him with this bat at his practice last night. He was so proud. I thought he was going to sleep with it. ;o)


The light was just wonderful for a few moments here. I wish it hadn't been so cold and I would have went out and taken a few more shots of some other stuff too. This barn is just across the street from us and I love the color of the sun as it plays over the side.



This is just a random fence post out in the county. I do like how it turned out though. I tried it in black and white and sepia too but I just like it in color best where you can see all the different browns and whites.


This is the tower of an old building in Corydon, Indiana. I was in a hurry so it is not a great pic. I would really like to go back sometime and see if I can't get it from more angles. I do like the shape of the window and the contrast of the ivy against the bricks.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I just liked this little shoot of a tree jutting out of the snow. Winter and Spring are two of my favorite times of year to get pictures.


We finally got our first decent amount of snow this year. Yay! The kids have had a ball sledding and playing in it. It was REALLY cold though so they only got to stay out for short periods. Caleb and Zoey always lasted longer than Eli. He doesn't like the cold. In this picture, Caleb is helping Eli make the sledding path.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


One of the good things about winter is that it creates some incredible sunsets and sunrises. The skies around here are absolutely gorgeous from December to March. I love taking pictures of the sunsets and I am sure some get sick of all the ones that I post. I just can't see a sky with all those colors blended so perfectly and not take a picture of it.


Every evening, Darrell reads to the kids. It is one of my favorite times of day. I love to watch them interact. He is such a great dad to them. It is nice also to be able to sit back and just watch instead of having to direct. Even though Caleb and Zoey can now read on their own they still make Darrell read to them. Caleb and Darrell have been working their way the Harry Potter books and are on Book 5 right now. I am so glad my kids have developed a love of reading early.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This is at a park across the river from us. The bench leaves me thinking of so many different things; isolation, partners, contemplation, peace. These are all things that I have needed at some point in my life. I would love to have a house sitting near something like this so that when the world just seemed to be too scary or mean a place I could take myself out to my bench and spend time with God and recenter, rediscover the true me.


This is a bridge from Kentucky to Indiana over the Ohio River. We are in the midst of a major cold snap here and I just thought the water and the ice on the side captured the cold feeling. I am ready for spring!


For those who don't know it I am a huge, HUGE Kentucky Wildcats fan and today was the game against our big in-state rivalry, University of Louisville. It turned out to be a very thuggish sort of game with 6 fouls called in the first 45 seconds. It also turned out to be a very interesting game. Both teams were very spirited and emotional and for UK, young! Made for some interesting moments. The Cats went on to win but the I don't think either team played their best game as they let emotion rule for a good part instead of just playing ball. That said, I am glad to move on the next part of the season as both teams enter conference play.

Happy New Year!

Well, it is a new year and a new day! That said, I am going to try my 365 project again and see if I get farther than April this time. Time and a memory card mishap side railed my project last year but hopefully this year I can take it to completion. I wish everyone the very best and hope that you enjoy my pictures and my blog this year. Happy New Year!