Caleb got award for A/B Honor Roll for the semester and Accelerated Reader. I love the look on his face. It is because his teacher is getting ready to hug him. He is so funny. It embarrassed him. Poor boy, we have been him so much about his grades lately cause he is not performing to his potential. He is only going to do what he absolutely has too!
Yet another visit to our Pediatrician. I am about to ask for a private room. This time it was a sinus infection. He has a sucker in his mouth and one in his hand plus four in my purse. She would give him one every time she came in and then he asked for two more for Caleb and Zoey.
This part of Caleb's Harry Potter Legos Castle. I loved the colors and I thought the focus turned out really good too.
This is a little shell on the side of our house. I think macro photography is one of my favorite techniques to do. It is so much fun capturing all the little details in things.
Eli has been sick off and on for a couple of months now and this evening he spiked a fever. It stinks when they are sick but it nice to get a few extra cuddles in. He fell asleep while Darrell watched football and then, of course, Darrell fell asleep too.
I am fascinated by the sky for some reason. I love the clouds and then the colors of the sunrises and sunsets. It makes for some really great pictures.
The Wounded Warriors Project here at Ft. Hood sponsored a free show by Terry Fator. He was extremely funny although I will say he was a little off color sometimes. It is always nice to sit around and just laugh.
The sunset tonight was so pretty. I was a little late to get a really good picture but I love the pink and the darkness of the photo is appealing to me.
This is a really crappy picture taken with my iPhone but hey it is all I had for today. I am sure there will be quite a few days like this. This is Zoey's first year playing basketball and she is so excited. She is the only girl on her team but she is so dang cute playing. No matter how far behind she is when they run or how bad her shot is she just grins the whole time.
This the tree outside of our Pediatrician's office. I have been spending so much time there lately that it only makes sense to get some pictures out of it. I tried it in black and white too but I just love the blue of the sky.
We love to bowl. It is one of our favorite activities to do as a family. We stink at it but we always have a really good time. I love Eli's raised arms here. It is like he is urging it somewhere. He would get so happy when he would be leading and then mad as all get out when he lost.
One of the only good things about all the rain we have been getting is the opportunity to practice some macro shots. Water droplets make some pretty cool pictures.
I found a program online that makes a continuous kaleidoscope. It was so cool. I couldn't get my shutter speed right to capture it without blur but I loved the colors.
This is the puzzle that the kids and Darrell put together. It took them longer than you would think but they were so proud of themselves when they finished. I am hoping it will help them learn their states.
This is a scarf crocheted with thread instead of yarn. I want to try this for one of my future projects.
This is how you get snow/ice in Central Texas. I was driving through a subdivision I had wanted to check out and this house has left their sprinklers on in freezing temps. This is the result. I am so glad my kids were not with me or they would have been begging to try this out. They want snow so bad and would be happy to settle for ice from a sprinkler system.
I love having a fireplace. I think I have mentioned that before. Here I decided to play with macro a little and get the grate in front of the fire. It is a little blurry but I still like it.
I love watching my kids sleep. Since the day they were born I would just sit and watch them sleep. I love seeing them completely relaxed and peaceful. It doesn't hurt that they are quiet when they are asleep.

Darrell and I love to try new restaurants but since we became parents it hasn't been as easy to indulge ourselves. Especially since we were blessed with extremely picky eaters. However, now that they are getting older we are able to start trying some new things again. Razzoos opened up in Harker Heights and we hadn't tried it. We enjoyed it. Do not eat here if you are looking for healthy but the portions were great, the kids menu was good and we will definitely be going back to try some more of their offerings.
We went to a Jason Gray concert on post tonight. If you enjoy Contemporary Christian worship music you really should check him out. He is a wonderful singer/songwriter and his songs really get to the heart worship without being contrived or overdone. This is one quotes he put up during his concert. I am still pondering it ;o)
I love Twister. It is absolutely one of the best family games out there. We all laugh hysterically every time we play it. Poor Eli has the hardest time cause his legs are just not long enough yet but he is determined to play like everyone else.
I love how even the most ordinary things can become extraordinary when just looked at from a different angle. Life is full of moments when we should take the time to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.
My daughter just had her very first basketball practice. She absolutely HAD to have new shoes for her new sport. We very quickly found out that there is not a great variety of basketball shoes for 7 year old girls. She is not a huge fan of pink but these were about all we could find. However, now she has them all she wants to do is wear them.....with EVERYTHING. I think they may have replaced her cowboy boots.
I have finally started teaching myself to crochet. Once my kids saw me doing it they all had a million requests of things they wanted me to make. One of their requests was blankets so I decided to make each of them a new blanket. Needless to say I did not get them done by Christmas but I am getting close. This is my oldest son's blanket ;o)
This was the sunset we saw as I was taking Caleb to basketball practice. I always picture God looking down when I see the beams. For those who are wondering I did pull over to the side of the road to take this ;o) However, I have been known to yank out my camera while driving along and snap a picture.
One of the things we are loving about our house in Texas is the fireplace. There is just something so relaxing about sitting in front of a fire when the weather is all nasty outside.
So, here we go again. For the 3rd year in a row I am going to start my project 365. Hopefully this year I will make it all the way through; third time is a charm. The kids all had an indoor camp out to ring in the new year. This is after they all FINALLY fell asleep just past midnight.