Friday, April 23, 2010


My kids have become addicted to sidewalk chalk. My driveway and front porch are covered with drawings from both my kids and the other neighborhood kids. Some of us adults have even got in on the fun!


This is the Riverwalk in San Antonio. I can't wait to get back there and explore some more.


We forgot our fishing poles when we moved so we made a day of it and went to Bass Pro and got the kids some new ones. They were so excited ;o)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


This is on the campus of Central Texas University in Killeen. They have a really pretty park. I am hoping to go back and get some pictures of the kids there. I blew the clouds out a little as it was a really bright sunny day but I still like how it turned out.


I think this one of my favorite pictures I have taken recently. Eli picked this flower for me at the park. I just love seeing it in his little hands.


More signs of spring! I love the color here. The pink and even the yellow and green of the moss on the bark.


Zoey along with our neighbors daughters constructed this bird house out of scraps. They then decorated it with grass, flowers, and markers. They were so proud!


I love how the light was shining through this break in the clouds. Makes me think of someone looking down on us.


Spring has Sprung!!! Yipppeeeeee!


This is our home in Texas. We love it. It is so much more roomy and modern than our house in Kentucky was. The kids all love finally having their own rooms.


I decided to make no bake peanut butter cookies. This is the completely fattening concoction of butter and sugar boiling. Yum!


This is the Central Texas Veterans Cemetery that is located across the street from out subdivision. It is a new cemetery but is really beautiful. I know that sounds morbid and odd. Cemeteries have always been places of peace and comfort to me. I love walking through them and imagining the lives of the people represented there.


I love how the sunspots here formed a cross. I know many would consider this an error in photography but I like it ;o)