This is Eli hiding in one of Beth's closets during our layover in Arkansas. He refused to get down.
We spent this day cleaning and getting all of the trash and stuff out of the parsonage. Not many opportunities to get a decent picture ;o)
These are the gifts that Caleb and Zoey got from their classmates. We really hated to leave their school as they both had great teachers and classes this year. They were super happy that their classmates thought enough of them to get them going away presents.
This Zoey hiding in the sea of boxes at our house. The movers couldn't believe we had managed to fit that much stuff into our little bitty house. The kids thought it was great fun to hide behind the boxes and try to scare us as we walked past.
This is all of the stuff we plan to take with us in our cars on the move. We have to separate it so the movers won't pack it. Trust me, if you leave it out they pack it.....somewhere.
This is what the sky looked like this morning when Eli and I got back from taking Caleb and Zoey to school.
More sunrises. Hopefully once we get to Texas I can find a few more interesting things to take pictures of. For awhile though I may just be posting pics of highways, cars, and boxes.
This is my absolute favorite picture that I have taken in a long time. The light was just amazing this morning and the frost on the trees was all glittery. It was just an amazing morning to wake up to.
Eli refused to look at me and smile for this picture so I just took it anyway. He is so rotten and hard headed. He had a blast in the snow.
We have major issues with static at our house. Eli's hair was already wild today but once he started hiding under the blanket it got insane. I never did get it to lay down.
A few of my friends took me out for a going away supper last night and this is a gift they brought me. It had a necklace, chocolates, and bath salts. I am really going to miss them when we leave for Texas.
I just barely managed to catch the last few seconds of the sunset.
This is Zoey's baby snowman. There wasn't really enough snow to make a big one so she made a mini one. I thought it was really cute .
My kids LOVE the snow. This is Caleb with his huge snowball. LOL. I told him he was not allowed to throw it or he would hurt someone.
Fluffy clouds. I liked how the light was reflecting off of them.
I love candlelight; any kind of fire light actually. I find it really soothing and pretty. This is just one of the many candles that sit around our house.
We went out to dinner with some friends of ours tonight and made a quick stop at the pet store to look at crates. I hadn't taken my picture yet that day so I just took a quick one of one of the birds there. It is a horrible pic but hey at least I got one ;o)
Today was the Hundredth Day of school at Zoey's school so she took 100 skittles.
We woke up to a very foggy morning today. One of the best things of having a grave yard for your backyard is the spooky pictures you can get on foggy mornings.