Today was Zoey's Kindergarten field trip to the Louisville Zoo. This is a Crane that we saw there. Going to the Zoo with 12o Kindergartners is always an experience.

This is Zoey at her first fast pitch softball game. My sister Emily got her the helmet for her birthday. She wore it for 3 days after that LOL. Her team is called the Ladybugs. They are so cute out there on the field.
We decided to go to a Louisville Bats game on Mothers Day. They are the Triple A team for the Cincinnati Reds. We had a ball. After the game, the kids got to run the bases. Zoey was the only one who wanted to do it. When she was done she said "Whew, those bases are far apart!" She is used to playing on little league fields.
This is the result of all the rain we have been having. The Ohio River is over its banks in some areas. These are the benches on the waterfront in Louisville.
Yes, still raining! The kids got tired of staying inside and decided to play in the rain, in their pajamas. They were digging in this puddle for worms. By the time they were finished they had a whole cup full. Yuck!
Caleb had hit a little bit of a slump batting but he is coming out of it I think. He just wants to hit more home runs so bad that he is trying to kill the ball instead of just making contact. Look at the look on his face. Game on!
More.....raindrops! Nothing but rain here and so that is what you get pictures of. If it does not stop raining soon, I am going to lose my mind. I am so ready for some nice weather!
Eli and I went out driving the other day and went by this barn. I just really like the red barn with the white flowers in front. I love living in a rural area but sometimes scenes like this just become common place and I forget to see the beauty in them.
We have three bird nests in various places around our and house and the kids are completely fascinated by them. This baby bird fell out of the nest trying to fly and I thought I was going to have to tie their hands behind their backs to get them to leave the baby alone. It finally went and hid under our tool shed to get away from them.
This is a rain drop on a spiderweb hanging on our porch. I think the tendrils are from dandelions of which we have an over abundance. I hate spiders, but think their webs are so pretty, especially when covered in rain or dewdrops.
Today was the Kentucky Derby so I had to post a horse pic. This one is a really soft focus (again, gotta work on that) but I like the composition. Another one I am going to have to try again.
Caleb is on two teams now and plays outfield on one and infield on the other so he is having to do double time in the practice department to get both positions down. They were still practicing even though it was raining.
Zoey is such a cheeser LOL. Her hair was all curly (even more than normal) because of the rain and she wanted me to take a picture.
I really love the sunbeams shining down on this one. My mom always said that that was God looking down on us ;0) Eli is actually one that spotted this and told me to take a picture.
I wish this one had turned out better. The focus is way too soft. Hopefully I can try it again another time.
All of the families on Caleb's team seem to have nothing but boys so Zoey was greatly out numbered. Here they were picking teams for kick ball and she was the last one to be picked. Didn't bother her a bit though. She got right in there with them and kicked their butts! That is my girl.
Caleb's traveling squad team took second place in his first tournament. However, there were only 3 teams in the tourney lol. The boys didn't care though they were just thrilled to get a trophy.
This is Eli's shadow at the playground. I just liked the silhouette of it.
This is my "Mommy, why are you still taking pictures of me look." We grilled out this evening and all the kids had to pull out their little chairs. Eli is never a big fan of having his picture taken.
Yet again, another from the ballpark where we live this time of year ;0) This is of the sunset through the chain link fence. I liked how the chain link kind of divided it into mini pictures.
This is the view of the Ohio River from Brandenburg, Kentucky looking over to Indiana. Everything was so calm and pretty this morning.
This is my youngest little hoodlum at the ballpark. He loves to go there but looks like an orphan by the time we leave because he is so filthy. Here is was getting in trouble for throwing dirt. You can tell he is really scared of me ;0)
I love this pic. This is of some clouds behind the church we pastor. I think they look like mountains. I love the textures and colors.