Friday, February 27, 2009


This is actually an older picture as I didn't have time to get a picture taken today. I have been working on my nighttime shots but am still having a hard time as I don't have a tripod. This one is a trifle over sharpened but I still like the detail in it. I also made the mistake of using the digital zoom instead of just cropping after the fact. Live and learn.

43/365 was laundry day. I must have folded 6 loads of laundry and as that was basically all I got done that is what I is in my pic for today. Laundry is one of my least favorite chores but once it is done I always feel like I have accomplished so much.


I think this is actually one of my favorite sunset pictures. I love the silhouette of the branches against the sky and the colors of the sunset.


Diane Gabaldon's series Outlander is one of my favorite series ever. I had ran out of books to read so I am rereading it for the 3rd or 4th time. Great series. Especially if you like historical fiction or Highland/Scottish fiction.

Monday, February 23, 2009


We finally got real snow instead of the wet ugly icy stuff. It looked so pretty coming down, didn't cause many problems, and was gone quickly. That is my kind of snow.


This is one of the Candy bins at Bass Pro Shop in Clarkesville, IN. I just really liked the colors. Plus....I LOVE candy. Unfortunately I didn't get any this trip.

Went up there to check out gun cases and handguns. I got to hold one to check my grip. It felt really cool and powerful. Don't know that that didn't worry hubby a little ;0)


I know this is slightly out of focus but I just really love the colors in it. The graveyard has all sorts of cool stuff to take pictures of. I cannot wait until the weather is warmer and I can get out and about more.


Getting a cat to stay still for a picture is just about impossible. Seiko will stay still until my camera focuses in and then it is like she has a sixth sense about the focusing and she moves. Anyway, this is our cat Seiko, she is about 10 years old and is a rescue from when I worked at the Veterinary hospital in Gainesville GA. I bottle raised her so she has no idea she is a cat.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am not really happy at all with this pic but it is all I had for the day. It was a stormy dreary day. I was hoping we could get some decent lightning or cool clouds but everything was just blah. I am so ready for spring so I can get out more.


Thought I would try the frost picture again. I really like how this one turned out. I think the colors and the sharpness of the frost are particularly nice.

Monday, February 16, 2009


This is a set of stairs that leads from the library in our town down to the Ohio River. There used to be older ones here but they finally got around to replacing them. I just thought they looked cool.


Can you guess what it is? Not too hard.... LOL. It is 16 oz soft drink bottles sitting on our kitchen table. I just liked the way the sun was shining through them.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This was not a good day at all in picture world. I had some really cool shots of a sunset but I had used the wrong settings so they were all overexposed. Sooooo when all else fails, convert to black and white. The focus was off so it is blurry too. However I like the subject of the downed tree and hopefully I can get back out and get some better pics of it soon.


Caleb and Zoey and their Valentine's boxes that they made for school.

I thought this sunrise was absolutely beautiful. The steeple is of the Methodist Church in town. The church is absolutely beautiful in the spring when the dogwoods are blooming so I am sure I will be posting more pictures of it.


The sun setting on a stormy, rainy day. Spring is almost here I think. I have been so busy and sick lately that I have fallen behind on posting pictures. Hopefully I will get back in the groove now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have been trying to improve my macro photography and I love the waterdrop/ reflection pictures. I thought this turned out pretty well.


This was the sunset on the 9th. I loved the colors in it and the silhouette of the tree. I am still sick fighting off some virus so I was super happy to get a decent pic.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday is the 100th day of school this year and anyone who had Kindergartners knows that that is a very big deal. Zoey decided that she wanted her 100 items to be buttons so after we counted out 100 of them I took her picture with them. She was so excited. They love the 100th day of school!


I took this picture of Eli just so I could tell a little story. Eli carries these markers everywhere and does everything with them but color. He is always trying to take them to bed with him but we won't let him. On this day I was sick and laying on the couch. I had just put Eli down for his nap when he comes back into the living room to give me a kiss. He then tells me to close my eyes. When I ask him why he points to his markers on the kitchen table and says, "So I can go get my markers, take them to my room, and you won't be able to see me." I about cracked up. Anyway that is the story behind the picture. Hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today was absolutely beautiful. After all the freezing cold and ice I really enjoyed such a beautiful day. Even though I am sick with some ugly virus, I made myself go out and take some pictures. It was just too pretty to stay inside and feel sorry for myself.


Our car was covered in frost when I went out to take the kids to school this morning and I loved how the sunrise was shining through it. I really like how you could see the detail on the frost. It was such a pretty morning with sun shining and everything sparkling with frost on top of the ice that was left.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anyone who know me knows that my family is my all. Here I was just playing around with some candles I had and seeing how I could do with low light shots and no tripod. I think it turned out pretty good. Hopefully I can get a tripod soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This definitely is not one of my best efforts but hey it is a pic. I love this series. Very entertaining writing. I became personally invested with the characters. Already read the whole series twice. Still have not seen the movie though ;0(


Yeah...I know....another sunset. You might as well get used to it. I love sunsets and sunrises and this time of year we have really beautiful ones around here. I love the orange in this one.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


First of all, this is just a pic of the T.V. screen on Super Bowl night. I am a Colts fan so I was not really invested in either team but I like to cheer for the underdog. Found myself rooting for the Cardinals emphatically after Harrison showed extremely bad sportsmanship and the refs did not eject him from the game. This was taken at the end of the game and the disappointment on this players face was just palpable. Great game Cardinals!